Bow Sights
Bow Sights
Hunting Sight with multi-pin
Hunting Sight with multi-pin, designed for hunting the sight is robust and light weight. Unsuitable for low poundage bows or target shooting. The sight has fixed pins, each pin is set to a distance. Sight adjustment is limited.
Hunting Sight with single-pin scope
Hunting Sight with single-pin scope. The single pin has become more popular because of the longer distances it provides and can be used for target shooting also
Recurve Sights
This sight has been designed for recurve bows and target shooting. Light in design and unsuitable for hunting or use with a compound bow. Normally comes with aiming pin but can also be fitted with a scope.
Compound Target Sights
Compound Target Sights designed a little heavier than the recurve sight. The sight does come at a price for quality brands.
Peep Sights
A bow peep sight is a small circular aiming aid that is attached to the bowstring of a compound or recurve bow. It helps archers align the front sight and the target, similar to a rifle peep sight. Peep sights come in different sizes and designs to suit different lighting conditions and preferences. To install a peep sight, a bow press and a serving string are needed.
Standard Peep Sight
This peep sight is standard for most archers. The peep is installed at eye level
and secured with serving thread.
Podium Peep Sight
A popular choice among both amateur and professional archers. Let me give you a rundown of what makes it special:
- Apertures: The peep sight comes with a selection of apertures. These threaded apertures allow you to have a smaller viewing hole through to larger viewing hole.
- Clarifiers: For matching changes in your scope power, there are different clarifiers. These fit into the front of the peep and ensure perfect centering.
Peep Sight Twist
The peep sight can rotate on the string. This will make sighting through the peep sight difficult, and is called peep twist. To correct this problem, you will need a bow press, detach one end of the string from the bow and twist the string. One complete turn of the string equals to a quarter turn (90 degrees) of the peep sight.
Peep Aperture Sizes
Too Large
If you select a peep that is too large you will see a large ring of daylight between your sight housing and the edge of your peep circle. You will also find that as you try to align your sights, one edge of your housing will likely be obscured, but you won’t be able to match the two circles exactly.
Too Small
If your peep is too small, then your peep will appear within the sight housing with a circle of daylight around the outer edge. Again, you won’t be able to get the correct alignment because your peep circle will never eclipse the outer edge of the housing, making it difficult to know whether you’re exactly on target.
Correct Size
When you look through your peep sight, you should see that the peep has perfectly eclipsed the sight housing. That coloured circle should ideally be completely covered. f you move slightly off-centre, you should see that part of the circle has been cut off by the edge of the peep, giving you instant feedback on your alignment. If you’re a hunter and you’re out in all different levels of light, the smaller your peep, the less light will be allowed in, making it virtually impossible to see through.
Common Peep Sizes
Choosing the right peep size comes down to your actual set-up and the level of light that you usually shoot in. Because bow hunters tend to go out in mostly lower levels of light, larger peeps are often preferred. Smaller peeps can darken the sight picture, particularly in archers with sight difficulties.
Larger Aperture sized peeps include: 3/16″, 7/32″, 1/4″, and 5/16″
For indoor target shooters, it’s recommended that you use smaller peep sights that allow you to dial in with more pinpoint accuracy. Lighting is usually not an issue and smaller peep sizes offer a narrow aiming window.
Smaller Aperture sized peeps include: 1/32″, 3/64″, 1/16″, 3/32″, and 1/8″
Clarifier or Verifier
I often see archers confuse verifiers with clarifiers, but they are actually two very different pieces of archery equipment. While verifiers clear up objects close to the peep sight, like your sight pins, clarifiers are used with sight lenses to clear up the target.
Peep Sight Clarifier
Archers that wear glasses and use a sight scope will have problems with the conflict between the scope lens and their glasses (a blurred target). A clarifier lens may help with this problem and come in different prescriptions.
Peep Sight Verifier
You may notice that your glasses will help sharpen the target while you aim, but the sight pins seem to be fuzzy a verifier lens will help you with this problem. Verifiers are perfect for archers who struggle with their vision in lower-light situations also and come in different prescriptions.